Dashboard & Data

The Dashboard section is made for the Admin and provides several metrics on an instance, program, and session level.

"Total Reach" shows the number of opt-in emails sent to all users throughout all the sessions of one specific program. Dashboards are great tools to measure your program's success. You can track several metrics: the overall KPIs, Participation, Program stats, and "Top Randomers" and also export data from it.

Overall KPIs

  • "Coworkers" is the number of active users eligible to receive the matching emails and participate in the program.

  • "Participation" is the average participation rate gathering all the history (from all program's sessions aka on an instance level)

  • "Connections created" is the number of "RandomCoffees" generated (could be by groups of two, three, or four...)


  • In the participation section, the graph shows the number of users reached and the number of participants in all programs over a specific period.

  • There is an option of viewing this graph to track the number of users reached and participants in a specific category.

Programs Stats

For each program, you will find high-level metrics (total reach, opt-in rate, and the number of RandomCoffee generated) and the option of downloading different program data:

For each program, you will find session history, metrics, and the option of downloading specific session data.

By clicking "export", you will automatically receive the data report in your Mailbox.

Total Reach shows the number of opt-in emails sent to all users throughout all the sessions of one specific program.

This number differs from one session to another as the number of audiences in one session might not be the same as the audience's number in another. Some people might be deactivated, and new people might be added to participate in the program.

Top Randomers

The top Randomers view is the list of unique participants; people who did at least one RandomCoffee. This list can be exported as an Excel file.

Using the search bar, you can look for a specific employee, the number of RandomCoffee created, and their ranking.

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