Mystery 1:1

Give a unique and personal match to everyone.

Each member is matched with another member, but the members don't know why whom they have been matched. Everyone participating in the session get matched.

When to use it?

Use this algorithm when you want to give all your participants a unique personal match.

This matching algorithm is perfect for the following use cases:

  • Secret Santa πŸŽ„

  • Feedback / Kudos session

  • Book Exchange session

  • ...

How to use it?

Select the "Mystery 1:1" algorithm.

You cannot choose the group size. By default, these are 1:1 matches.

Matching rules

Cross-category rule

It's a simple rule based on a particular category, where you have to specify whether you want to:

  • match people with the same category values (e.g., members who have the same favorite sport)

  • match people with different category values (e.g., members who belong to different departments)

Cross-groups rule

It's a more sophisticated rule in which you could allow or prohibit matches by playing with category values (within the same category or across different categories).

You can add as many rules as you like. The higher a rule is on the list, the more the algorithm will prioritize it. Feel free to drag and drop the different rules to rank them appropriately.