🌎Managing time zone differences between participants

Ensure people are connected with colleagues in "compatible" timezones!

You can ensure that all participants in your program are matched by default with people in compatible timezones (see "Define a matching rule in your program"), or leave it up to your participants to indicate this constraint as a preference (see "Invite participants to indicate their preferred timezones to be matched accordingly").

OPTION 1 β€’ Define a matching rule in your program

  1. Open the Members section, select the Categories tab.

  2. Create a category called "Timezone" with the "Number" type.

  1. Update your member list, by indicating the right timezone for each member (from -12 to 14).

  2. In the "Matchmaking" section of your program, select your algorithm (except "Randomly")

  3. Add an optimization matching rule to optimize the matching based on timezones, by selecting "Timezone", and "is the closest":

-> With this method, all participants to this program will be matched with colleagues in "compatible" timezones (if these values are indicated for each member).

OPTION 2 β€’ Invite participants to indicate their preferred timezones to be matched accordingly

  1. Open the Members section, select the Categories tab.

  2. Create a category called "Timezone" with the "Multiple choice" type.

  3. Enter the timezones as category values:

  • GMT-12:00 β€” Baker Island Time

  • GMT-11:00 β€” Niue Time, Samoa Standard Time

  • GMT-10:00 β€” Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time, Tahiti Time

  • GMT-09:30 β€” Marquesas Islands Time

  • GMT-09:00 β€” Alaska Standard Time, Gambier Island Time

  • GMT-08:00 β€” Pacific Standard Time, Clipperton Island Time

  • GMT-07:00 β€” Mountain Standard Time

  • GMT-06:00 β€” Central Standard Time

  • GMT-05:00 β€” Eastern Standard Time

  • GMT-04:00 β€” Atlantic Standard Time, Eastern Caribbean Time

  • GMT-03:30 β€” Newfoundland Standard Time

  • GMT-03:00 β€” Argentina Time, Brazil Time, French Guiana Time, Uruguay Time

  • GMT-02:00 β€” South Georgia/Sandwich Islands Time

  • GMT-01:00 β€” Azores Standard Time, Cape Verde Time

  • GMT+00:00 β€” Greenwich Mean Time, Coordinated Universal Time, Western European Time

  • GMT+01:00 β€” Central European Time, West Africa Time

  • GMT+02:00 β€” Eastern European Time, Central Africa Time

  • GMT+03:00 β€” Moscow Standard Time, East Africa Time, Arabian Standard Time

  • GMT+03:30 β€” Iran Standard Time

  • GMT+04:00 β€” Gulf Standard Time, Samara Standard Time

  • GMT+04:30 β€” Afghanistan Time

  • GMT+05:00 β€” Pakistan Standard Time, Yekaterinburg Standard Time

  • GMT+05:30 β€” Indian Standard Time, Sri Lanka Time

  • GMT+05:45 β€” Nepal Time

  • GMT+06:00 β€” Bangladesh Standard Time, Bhutan Time, Omsk Standard Time

  • GMT+06:30 β€” Cocos Islands Time, Myanmar Time

  • GMT+07:00 β€” Indochina Time, Krasnoyarsk Standard Time

  • GMT+08:00 β€” China Standard Time, Australian Western Standard Time, Irkutsk Standard Time

  • GMT+08:45 β€” Australian Central Western Standard Time

  • GMT+09:00 β€” Japan Standard Time, Korea Standard Time, Chita Standard Time

  • GMT+09:30 β€” Australian Central Standard Time

  • GMT+10:00 β€” Australian Eastern Standard Time, Vladivostok Standard Time

  • GMT+10:30 β€” Lord Howe Standard Time

  • GMT+11:00 β€” Solomon Islands Time, Magadan Standard Time

  • GMT+12:00 β€” Fiji Time, Kamchatka Standard Time, New Zealand Standard Time

  • GMT+12:45 β€” Chatham Islands Time

  • GMT+13:00 β€” Tonga Time, Phoenix Islands Time

  • GMT+14:00 β€” Line Islands Time

  1. Update your member list, by indicating the right timezone for each member.

  2. Invite your participants to access their Member Portal (https://app.random-coffee.com/login) and to indicate their preferences in the "My preferences" section:

Note that by selecting their preferred timezones, members will be able to see how many people match this preference thanks to the indication at the bottom right of the screen (in the example above: 156 members).

Last updated