Free trial
What is a free trial?
The free trial is a free version of the Pro or Enterprise plan, offered for a limited time.
During this free trial, you can enjoy the capabilities included in the dedicated plan (Pro/Enterprise).
You can find more information about the Pro and Enterprise plans here.
During your free trial, a blue banner will be displayed in your platform, indicating the number of days left:
What happens at the end of the free trial?
At the end of your free trial, you will be asked to subscribe to a Pro plan or to choose the Free plan.
If you want to be switched to the Free plan, you will be asked to choose which program you want to keep. All other programs will be permanently deleted.
The Free plan has the following limitations:
1 Program
1 Admin
Only 20 members matched in all sessions (always the same 20 members are matched, even if you have more active members in your members list).
Last updated