Meet the CEO lottery program

Here is how to implement the lottery algorithm!

The "lottery algorithm" randomly assigns pairs of users to have a coffee chat with a fixed person/s. In this guide, we'll explain how to use the lottery algorithm in the RandomCoffee platform.

  • Click "Use Cases Library" and select the "Meet with the CEO" program.

The lottery algorithm is currently only available in the "Meet with the CEO" program. However, you can still customize this program according to your needs.

  • Click on "Use this program."

  • Then, assign the audience and specify the "Looped participants."

Looped participants are the fixed individuals whom you manually specify to meet with the randomly selected pool of participants. You can add as many looped participants as you want.

Your employees could meet with your company's leaders, the CEO, or anyone else you wish.

  • Finally, Launch your program!

  • Can we use the "ask for participation" option, or is it always a direct match? You can choose any type of participation, but in our program, it's a direct match by default since even if people opt in it doesn't mean they will be matched (the lottery program chooses people from the pool randomly)

  • What happens if we choose the opt-in option and people who clicked "yes" don't get a match? In this case, we recommend including in the opt-in email that if they didn't receive a match, they should keep trying in the upcoming sessions since this is a lottery and people are chosen randomly.

  • Are the emails only sent to the ones who get matched in the "direct match" option? Yes, only people who get matched will receive the email connecting them with the CEO/Leader...

  • When I loop 2, 3, or X persons, does it mean those individuals will be the center of the matching, and then the audience will be matched with all of them at once Yes, within one program, no matter how many looped participants you add, all of them will be matched with the randomly chosen participants (depending on the chosen group size)

  • If there is one looped person, and we set a group size of 10 people, how many people will be matched in total?

    In this case, 11 people will be matched together. The looped participant + the number of people selected in the group size setting.

  • To give new people a chance to match, does the algorithm take into account past matches? Yes, the algorithm takes into account the matching history.

Those predefined programs can be fully tailored to your needs.

Use our lottery program to assign a "Mentor & Mentee" within your organization. The mentor could be assigned as the fixed person, and the mentees would be chosen randomly to meet with this specific mentor.

Use it for onboarding your new hires by setting them with a specific "onboarding buddy". You could assign the onboarding buddy as the fixed participant to match him/her with the new hires.

Last updated