Add a user

There are 3 options to add & invite people to join RandomCoffee if you're using the Email communication channel!

Bulk Option

The bulk option saves you from a lot of manual work and could be done by filling in the 3 required columns, Name, Family Name, and Email Address). Additional information added to the file would be considered your categories. You can download and fill our template with your company's information.

Add a Co-Worker Manually

The manual option can be used if you need to add one or two people as this won't be time-consuming. You need to add the user's information, and he/she will be added to the platform. This is shown in the below screenshot.

For the send invite link option, you will be granting your users the opportunity to accept to join the platform or not. You can add the e-mail addresses you want to send them the "invite link", and the user who receives this link will fill in his/her information and create a password to gain access to your interface.

If you're using Slack or MS Teams integration, users are automatically added from the integrated workspace/channel to the RC platform.

You can export the list to update it with specific categories, enabling you to create customized matchings among coworkers. Check this article for more information on how to update the user's list.

Please note that if you re-upload the file of coworkers using the bulk option, there will be no duplicated values. This means users' accounts already registered in the system won't be affected. Only the new updates on this file will be mirrored on the platform.

With any of those options, new users will be added to your instance, and as an admin, you can choose to send or not to send a Welcome Email directly after adding your users.

Check this article for more information about the Welcome Email.

Last updated