Create a test program

You can create your program in order to connect employees with each other where you can either accept the predefined settings for each use case or modify them to suit your needs and objectives.

Step 1: Add new coworkers using the bulk import option with the right profile information

For any program creation, the first thing to do is to add coworkers with their profile information, to create your audience and matching rules.

  1. Verify that you have at least the following information: First name, Last name, and Email address of each coworker.

  • You can add as many other categories as you want for analysis purposes, for example.

2. Make sure to have those data in distinct columns before converting it into a .csv file.

3. Go to your Admin platform, then go to the coworker's section and click “Add new coworkers”

4. Choose the bulk option among the 3 possible options (“Bulk Import”, “add a coworker manually”, “Send an invite”) and Import your contact list via CSV file and click 'Continue'

5. Map each of your coworker categories by selecting an existing category (first name, last name, email address) or by creating a new one and then clicking 'Continue.'

  • You can choose if you want to send a welcome email or not

  • Please note that the upload can take some time, depending on the size of the CSV file.

Step 2: Choose and modify the first networking & breaking silos program

You now have a database with your coworker's profile information.

  1. Click on “Programs

  2. Click on “Browse use cases library

  3. Select “Use this program"

  4. Click on “Launch Program

  5. Then, your program is ready!

Do not forget to plan your program by adding sessions to be fully ready!

To update the program's settings, you follow the same steps mentioned above, but instead, you edit the predefined program settings as shown below:

Then, launch your modified program.

Please note that the program's name is visible to all users.

Last updated